
Our A/V chat enables your company users to chat with each other as well as video calling. That's not all! They can share pictures, collaborate together with writeboards, broadcast videos and a lot more while maintaining their privacy.


Video Chat

One-to-one and group video chat with your friends and colleagues

Audio Chat

Audio calls also included to keep communication buzzing.


Avatar Integration

Your users can now stylize their online avatar.



Search files easily and avoid wasting time in finding the files you need.

Last Seen

Users can keep track of when their friends were last active on a chat window, down to the minute with the Last Seen feature.

Load Earlier Messages

Never miss out on any long conversations. Users can view all older messages in by simply clicking on the "Load Earlier Messages" bar.


Your users can inform their friends or other users more than just their online availability by setting their status message.

Ban Users

You can now ban or unban members at your own discretion

Delete Conversations

Now a single click by your users will let them delete their own lines of conversations from all the chatrooms.


Share Files: Share files right from the chat window. Simply drop the file in the chat window and the other user will receive it.

Screen sharing with screen control

The screen sharing feature allows your users to control the screen remotely! Not only can your users view each other's screens, they can also control them.

All Our Modules Are Compatible With Each Other

All our modules have been designed in such a way that they can fully integrate with each other. So, if you start using one of our services and at a later date decide to add another one, then it can be integrated seamlessly to your existing module.